Data Wrangling - one data frame đź› 

MATH/COSC 3570 Introduction to Data Science

Dr. Cheng-Han Yu
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Marquette University

Grammar of Data Manipulation

Grammar of Data Wrangling: dplyr 📦

  • based on the concepts of functions as verbs that manipulate data frames

  • mutate: create new columns from the existing1
  • filter: pick rows matching criteria
  • slice: pick rows using index(es)
  • distinct: filter for unique rows
  • select: pick columns by name
  • summarise: reduce variables to values
  • group_by: for grouped operations
  • arrange: reorder rows
  • … (many more)

Rules of dplyr Functions

  • First argument is always a data frame

  • Subsequent arguments say what to do with that data frame

  • Always return a data frame

  • Don’t modify in place

Data: US gun murders by state for 2010

(murders <- read_csv("./data/murders.csv"))
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 5
  state      abb   region population total
  <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama    AL    South     4779736   135
2 Alaska     AK    West       710231    19
3 Arizona    AZ    West      6392017   232
4 Arkansas   AR    South     2915918    93
5 California CA    West     37253956  1257
6 Colorado   CO    West      5029196    65
# â„ą 45 more rows

Adding a New Variable (Column) with mutate()

  • dplyr::mutate() takes
    • a data frame as the 1st argument
    • the name and values of the variable as the 2nd argument using format name = values.
(murders <- murders |>  
     mutate(rate = total / population * 100000)) #<<
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 6
  state      abb   region population total  rate
  <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama    AL    South     4779736   135  2.82
2 Alaska     AK    West       710231    19  2.68
3 Arizona    AZ    West      6392017   232  3.63
4 Arkansas   AR    South     2915918    93  3.19
5 California CA    West     37253956  1257  3.37
6 Colorado   CO    West      5029196    65  1.29
# â„ą 45 more rows
  • total and population inside the function are not defined in our R environment.

  • dplyr functions know to look for variables in the data frame provided in the 1st argument.

Filtering Observations (Rows) with filter()

  • dplyr::filter() takes a
    • data frame as the 1st argument
    • conditional statement as the 2nd. (pick rows matching criteria)
# filter the data table to only show the entries for which 
# the murder rate is lower than 0.7
murders |> 
    filter(rate < 0.7) #<<
# A tibble: 5 Ă— 6
  state         abb   region        population total  rate
  <chr>         <chr> <chr>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Hawaii        HI    West             1360301     7 0.515
2 Iowa          IA    North Central    3046355    21 0.689
3 New Hampshire NH    Northeast        1316470     5 0.380
4 North Dakota  ND    North Central     672591     4 0.595
5 Vermont       VT    Northeast         625741     2 0.320

filter() for Many Conditions at Once

murders |>  
    filter(rate > 0.1 & rate < 0.7,  #<<
           region == "Northeast")  #<<
# A tibble: 2 Ă— 6
  state         abb   region    population total  rate
  <chr>         <chr> <chr>          <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 New Hampshire NH    Northeast    1316470     5 0.380
2 Vermont       VT    Northeast     625741     2 0.320

Logical Operators

operator definition operator definition
< less than x | y x OR y
<= less than or equal to if x is NA
> greater than ! if x is not NA
>= greater than or equal to x %in% y if x is in y
== exactly equal to !(x %in% y) if x is not in y
!= not equal to !x not x
x & y x AND y

slice() for Certain Rows using Indexes

# 3rd to 6th row
murders |> 
# A tibble: 4 Ă— 6
  state      abb   region population total  rate
  <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Arizona    AZ    West      6392017   232  3.63
2 Arkansas   AR    South     2915918    93  3.19
3 California CA    West     37253956  1257  3.37
4 Colorado   CO    West      5029196    65  1.29

How do we subset rows using matrix indexing?

murders[3:6, ]
# A tibble: 4 Ă— 6
  state      abb   region population total  rate
  <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Arizona    AZ    West      6392017   232  3.63
2 Arkansas   AR    South     2915918    93  3.19
3 California CA    West     37253956  1257  3.37
4 Colorado   CO    West      5029196    65  1.29

distinct() to Filter for Unique Rows

# Select only unique/distinct rows from a data frame
murders |> distinct(region)  ## default
# A tibble: 4 Ă— 1
1 South        
2 West         
3 Northeast    
4 North Central
murders |> distinct(region, .keep_all = TRUE) ## keep all other variables
# A tibble: 4 Ă— 6
  state       abb   region        population total  rate
  <chr>       <chr> <chr>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama     AL    South            4779736   135  2.82
2 Alaska      AK    West              710231    19  2.68
3 Connecticut CT    Northeast        3574097    97  2.71
4 Illinois    IL    North Central   12830632   364  2.84

distinct() Grabs First Row of The Unique Value

murders |> distinct(region, .keep_all = TRUE)
# A tibble: 4 Ă— 6
  state       abb   region        population total  rate
  <chr>       <chr> <chr>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama     AL    South            4779736   135  2.82
2 Alaska      AK    West              710231    19  2.68
3 Connecticut CT    Northeast        3574097    97  2.71
4 Illinois    IL    North Central   12830632   364  2.84
murders |> slice(1:5)
# A tibble: 5 Ă— 6
  state      abb   region population total  rate
  <chr>      <chr> <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama    AL    South     4779736   135  2.82
2 Alaska     AK    West       710231    19  2.68
3 Arizona    AZ    West      6392017   232  3.63
4 Arkansas   AR    South     2915918    93  3.19
5 California CA    West     37253956  1257  3.37

Selecting Columns with select()

  • In dplyr::select(), the 1st argument is a data frame, followed by variable names being selected in the data.
  • The order of variable names matters!
[1] "state"      "abb"        "region"     "population" "total"     
[6] "rate"      
# select three columns, assign this to a new object
murders |> select(region, rate, state)
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 3
  region  rate state     
  <chr>  <dbl> <chr>     
1 South   2.82 Alabama   
2 West    2.68 Alaska    
3 West    3.63 Arizona   
4 South   3.19 Arkansas  
5 West    3.37 California
6 West    1.29 Colorado  
# â„ą 45 more rows

select() to Exclude Variables

## exclude variable population
murders |> select(-population)
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 5
  state      abb   region total  rate
  <chr>      <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama    AL    South    135  2.82
2 Alaska     AK    West      19  2.68
3 Arizona    AZ    West     232  3.63
4 Arkansas   AR    South     93  3.19
5 California CA    West    1257  3.37
6 Colorado   CO    West      65  1.29
# â„ą 45 more rows

select() a Range of Variables

[1] "state"      "abb"        "region"     "population" "total"     
[6] "rate"      
## from region to rate
murders |> select(region:rate)
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 4
  region population total  rate
  <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 South     4779736   135  2.82
2 West       710231    19  2.68
3 West      6392017   232  3.63
4 South     2915918    93  3.19
5 West     37253956  1257  3.37
6 West      5029196    65  1.29
# â„ą 45 more rows

select() Variables with Certain Characteristics

murders |> select(starts_with("r"))
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 2
  region  rate
  <chr>  <dbl>
1 South   2.82
2 West    2.68
3 West    3.63
4 South   3.19
5 West    3.37
6 West    1.29
# â„ą 45 more rows

select() Variables with Certain Characteristics

murders |> select(ends_with("ion"))
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 2
  region population
  <chr>       <dbl>
1 South     4779736
2 West       710231
3 West      6392017
4 South     2915918
5 West     37253956
6 West      5029196
# â„ą 45 more rows

tidy-select Helpers1

  • starts_with(): Starts with a prefix
  • ends_with(): Ends with a suffix
  • contains(): Contains a literal string
  • num_range(): Matches a numerical range like x01, x02, x03
  • one_of(): Matches variable names in a character vector
  • everything(): Matches all variables
  • last_col(): Select last variable, possibly with an offset
  • matches(): Matches a regular expression (a sequence of symbols/characters expressing a string/pattern to be searched for within text)

Rationale for Pipe Operator

How do we show three variables (state, region, rate) for states that have murder rates below 0.7?

  • Method 1: Define the intermediate object new_table
new_table <- select(murders, state, region, rate) 
filter(new_table, rate < 0.7)
# A tibble: 5 Ă— 3
  state         region         rate
  <chr>         <chr>         <dbl>
1 Hawaii        West          0.515
2 Iowa          North Central 0.689
3 New Hampshire Northeast     0.380
4 North Dakota  North Central 0.595
5 Vermont       Northeast     0.320

Rationale for Pipe Operator

How do we show three variables (state, region, rate) for states that have murder rates below 0.7?

  • Method 2: Apply one function onto the other with no intermediate object
## not so easy to read and understand
filter(select(murders, state, region, rate), rate < 0.7) 
# A tibble: 5 Ă— 3
  state         region         rate
  <chr>         <chr>         <dbl>
1 Hawaii        West          0.515
2 Iowa          North Central 0.689
3 New Hampshire Northeast     0.380
4 North Dakota  North Central 0.595
5 Vermont       Northeast     0.320

Rationale for Pipe Operator

  • The code that looks like a verbal description of what we want to do without intermediate objects:

data > select() > data after selecting > filter() > data after selecting and filtering

murders |> 
    select(state, region, rate) |>  
    filter(rate < 0.7)
# A tibble: 5 Ă— 3
  state         region         rate
  <chr>         <chr>         <dbl>
1 Hawaii        West          0.515
2 Iowa          North Central 0.689
3 New Hampshire Northeast     0.380
4 North Dakota  North Central 0.595
5 Vermont       Northeast     0.320

Summarizing Data – summarize()

  • summarize() provides a data frame that summarizes the statistics we compute.
heights <- read_csv("./data/heights.csv")
# A tibble: 6 Ă— 2
  sex    height
  <chr>   <dbl>
1 Male       75
2 Male       70
3 Male       68
4 Male       74
5 Male       61
6 Female     65

Summarizing Data – summarize()

(s <- heights |> 
    filter(sex == "Female") |> 
    summarize(avg = mean(height),  
              stdev = sd(height),
              median = median(height), 
              minimum = min(height)))
# A tibble: 1 Ă— 4
    avg stdev median minimum
  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
1  64.9  3.76   65.0      51
s$avg; s$minimum
[1] 64.9
[1] 51

summarise() produces a new data frame that is not any variant of the original data frame.

Summarizing Data – summarize()

  • One variable quans that has 3 values. The output is a 3 by 1 data frame.
(s2 <- heights |>  
    filter(sex == "Female") |> 
    summarize(quans = quantile(height, c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))))
# A tibble: 3 Ă— 1
1  61  
2  65.0
3  69  

Grouping – group_by()

(heights_group <- heights |> 
     group_by(sex))  #<<
# A tibble: 1,050 Ă— 2
# Groups:   sex [2]
  sex    height
  <chr>   <dbl>
1 Male       75
2 Male       70
3 Male       68
4 Male       74
5 Male       61
6 Female     65
# â„ą 1,044 more rows
[1] "grouped_df" "tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
  • heights_group is a grouped data frame.

  • Tibbles are similar, but see Groups: sex [2] after grouping data by sex.

  • summarize() behaves differently when acting on grouped_df.

Group and Summarize: group_by() + summarize()

  • summarize() applies the summarization to each group separately.
heights |> 
    group_by(sex) |> 
    summarize(avg = mean(height), stdev = sd(height), 
              median = median(height), minimum = min(height))
# A tibble: 2 Ă— 5
  sex      avg stdev median minimum
  <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Female  64.9  3.76   65.0      51
2 Male    69.3  3.61   69        50
murders |>  
    group_by(region) |> 
    summarize(median_rate = median(rate))
# A tibble: 4 Ă— 2
  region        median_rate
  <chr>               <dbl>
1 North Central        1.97
2 Northeast            1.80
3 South                3.40
4 West                 1.29

Sorting Rows in Data Frames – arrange()

  • arrange() orders entire data tables.
## order the states by population size
murders |>  
# A tibble: 51 Ă— 6
  state                abb   region        population total   rate
  <chr>                <chr> <chr>              <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
1 Wyoming              WY    West              563626     5  0.887
2 District of Columbia DC    South             601723    99 16.5  
3 Vermont              VT    Northeast         625741     2  0.320
4 North Dakota         ND    North Central     672591     4  0.595
5 Alaska               AK    West              710231    19  2.68 
6 South Dakota         SD    North Central     814180     8  0.983
# â„ą 45 more rows


In lab.qmd ## Lab 15 section, import the murders.csv data and

  1. Add (mutate) the variable rate = total / population * 100000 to murders data (as I did).

  2. Filter states that are in region Northeast or West and their murder rate is less than 1.

  3. Select variables state, region, rate.

  • Print the output table after you do 1. to 3., and save it as object my_states.

  • Group my_states by region. Then summarize data by creating variables avg and stdev that compute the mean and standard deviation of rate.

  • Arrange the summarized table by avg.

_______ <- _______ |> 
    mutate(_______) |> 
    filter(_______) |> 

_______ |>  
    group_by(______) |> 
    summarize(______) |> 
          state    region  rate
1        Hawaii      West 0.515
2         Idaho      West 0.766
3         Maine Northeast 0.828
4 New Hampshire Northeast 0.380
5        Oregon      West 0.940
6          Utah      West 0.796
7       Vermont Northeast 0.320
8       Wyoming      West 0.887
# A tibble: 2 Ă— 3
  region      avg std_dev
  <fct>     <dbl>   <dbl>
1 Northeast 0.509   0.278
2 West      0.781   0.164

Data Manipulation

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
murders = pd.read_csv('./data/murders.csv')
        state abb region  population  total
0     Alabama  AL  South     4779736    135
1      Alaska  AK   West      710231     19
2     Arizona  AZ   West     6392017    232
3    Arkansas  AR  South     2915918     93
4  California  CA   West    37253956   1257

New Variables .assign

  • dplyr::mutate()

  • Have to use and murders.population instead of total and popution.

murders = murders.assign(
    rate = round( / murders.population * 100000, 2))
        state abb region  population  total  rate
0     Alabama  AL  South     4779736    135  2.82
1      Alaska  AK   West      710231     19  2.68
2     Arizona  AZ   West     6392017    232  3.63
3    Arkansas  AR  South     2915918     93  3.19
4  California  CA   West    37253956   1257  3.37

Filter Rows .query

  • dplyr::filter()

  • Conditions must be a string to be evaluated!

  • Cannot write murders.rate, and should use rate.

murders.query("rate < 0.7")
            state abb         region  population  total  rate
11         Hawaii  HI           West     1360301      7  0.51
15           Iowa  IA  North Central     3046355     21  0.69
29  New Hampshire  NH      Northeast     1316470      5  0.38
34   North Dakota  ND  North Central      672591      4  0.59
45        Vermont  VT      Northeast      625741      2  0.32

Select Columns .filter

murders.filter(items = ['region', 'rate', 'state'])
           region   rate                 state
0           South   2.82               Alabama
1            West   2.68                Alaska
2            West   3.63               Arizona
3           South   3.19              Arkansas
4            West   3.37            California
5            West   1.29              Colorado
6       Northeast   2.71           Connecticut
7           South   4.23              Delaware
8           South  16.45  District of Columbia
9           South   3.40               Florida
10          South   3.79               Georgia
11           West   0.51                Hawaii
12           West   0.77                 Idaho
13  North Central   2.84              Illinois
14  North Central   2.19               Indiana
15  North Central   0.69                  Iowa
16  North Central   2.21                Kansas
17          South   2.67              Kentucky
18          South   7.74             Louisiana
19      Northeast   0.83                 Maine
20          South   5.07              Maryland
21      Northeast   1.80         Massachusetts
22  North Central   4.18              Michigan
23  North Central   1.00             Minnesota
24          South   4.04           Mississippi
25  North Central   5.36              Missouri
26           West   1.21               Montana
27  North Central   1.75              Nebraska
28           West   3.11                Nevada
29      Northeast   0.38         New Hampshire
30      Northeast   2.80            New Jersey
31           West   3.25            New Mexico
32      Northeast   2.67              New York
33          South   3.00        North Carolina
34  North Central   0.59          North Dakota
35  North Central   2.69                  Ohio
36          South   2.96              Oklahoma
37           West   0.94                Oregon
38      Northeast   3.60          Pennsylvania
39      Northeast   1.52          Rhode Island
40          South   4.48        South Carolina
41  North Central   0.98          South Dakota
42          South   3.45             Tennessee
43          South   3.20                 Texas
44           West   0.80                  Utah
45      Northeast   0.32               Vermont
46          South   3.12              Virginia
47           West   1.38            Washington
48          South   1.46         West Virginia
49  North Central   1.71             Wisconsin
50           West   0.89               Wyoming

Grouping .groupby + .agg

  • dplyr::group_by() + dplyr::summarize()
heights = pd.read_csv('./data/heights.csv')
<pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x145164fd0>
## a data frame
heights.groupby('sex').agg(['mean', 'std', 'median', 'min'])
             mean       std     median   min
Female  64.939424  3.760656  64.980315  51.0
Male    69.314755  3.611024  69.000000  50.0

Sorting .sort_values

                   state abb         region  population  total   rate
50               Wyoming  WY           West      563626      5   0.89
8   District of Columbia  DC          South      601723     99  16.45
45               Vermont  VT      Northeast      625741      2   0.32
34          North Dakota  ND  North Central      672591      4   0.59
1                 Alaska  AK           West      710231     19   2.68
  • dplyr::arrange(desc())
murders.sort_values('rate', ascending = False).head(5)
                   state abb         region  population  total   rate
8   District of Columbia  DC          South      601723     99  16.45
18             Louisiana  LA          South     4533372    351   7.74
25              Missouri  MO  North Central     5988927    321   5.36
20              Maryland  MD          South     5773552    293   5.07
40        South Carolina  SC          South     4625364    207   4.48