Week 1

Welcome to MATH/COSC 3570 and Posit Cloud


📖 Read the syllabus

📖 Get your laptop and computing environment ready!

Reading and Resources

📖 R for Data Science - Introduction

📖 R for Data Science - Whole game

📖 RStudio IDE :: Cheatsheet

📖 Posit Cloud Guide


🖥️ Slides - Welcome to MATH/COSC 3570

🖥️ Slides - Overview of Data Science

🖥️ Slides - Posit Cloud

🖥️ Slides - Git/GitHub

r fontawesome::fa("table") ggplot2::mpg

r fontawesome::fa("table") ggplot2::diamond


📋 Lab-00 Posit Cloud

📋 Lab-01 Running R Script

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